History of the Club
Last summer, CSC Brussels was born, an association of cannabis users officially registered in the rapidly changing region of Brussels-Capital. This association was created on the initiative of a group of Belgian consumers and producers wishing to provide cannabis with a short circuit and respectful of the environment. According to the founders :
"This initiative is a reaction to the inefficiency of a prohibitionist attitude, maintained for too long
as a dominant paradigm to satisfy the aging electorate and pharmaceutical lobbies.
For us, the creation of this cannabis social club is a form of activism for the legalization of cannabis in Belgium.
We hope by 2019-2020 to make major advances in this direction! "
We are surrounded by passionate professionals who have been dealing with cannabis plants for over 10 years
We provide and guarantee our consumers with 100% legal CBD cannabis
Our NPO is recruiting interns !
We are a dynamic structure. Send us your resume and an original motivation letter.